
Born in 1991, I live and work in Rouen (Normandy, France).

My poetic artistic investment is deployed in favor of taking into account the vast network of life within which we co-evolve.

Having at heart to carry a word turned towards the future, my approach is centered around the challenge of living in awareness of our existences in synergy; in order to grasp the tacit responsibilities that connection implies for each of us. nous.

While transmitting wonder for the world, I intend to bear witness to the transformations linked to the pressure of human activities. I assemble mainly textile recycled materials; through the variety of its materials, textures and shades, this medium allows to represent the infinite richness of the living.

Thus through manifest pieces, collaborations, public and private commissions I sow imagination; giving life to a body of multidisciplinary works, this in order to resonate with the singular sensitivity of each of us.

photo credit : Caroline Bazin 2023